★★ 최고시설, 최고 커리큘럼, 50% 외국인 CIJ 아카데미 ★★ > 연수후기 페이지


번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회
공지 게시판이용안내 관리자 2014-12-05 21,492
692 필리핀 CIJ PREMIUM 두 번째 연수후기 유성민 2020-03-22 1,026
691 Third, my CIJ experience story(3) 김주원 2020-03-15 1,159
690 MY CIJ STORY OF ONE’S EXPERIENCES ( 3 ) 양태진 2020-03-14 1,011
689 Second, my CIJ experience story(2) 김주원 2020-03-08 1,019
688 필리핀 CIJ PREMIUM 첫 연수후기~ 유성민 2020-03-04 1,141
687 MY CIJ STORY OF ONE’S EXPERIENCES ( 2 ) 양태진 2020-03-04 1,138
686 First, my CIJ experience story 김주원 2020-03-03 1,108
685 my CIJ story of one's experiences ( 1 ) 양태진 2020-03-02 1,176
684 Anna’s story-10k roses ANNA 2019-11-20 1,541
683 Jenny’s story-The traditional dish of Filipino Jenny 2019-11-15 1,337
682 CIJ Sparta Halloween party 2019 Woody 2019-11-14 1,384
681 TAIGA’s story-a small town at the southernmost end of Cebu TAIGA 2019-11-14 1,519
680 Emma’s story-The Temple of Leah Emma 2019-11-12 1,058
679 The biggest Mall here in Cebu Milanda 2019-11-12 1,055
678 Woody’s story-CIJ Sparta Halloween Woody 2019-11-08 1,191