작성자 | Daniel | 등록일 | 2016-11-29 | 조회 | 1,660 |
I was really enjoyed studying here in sparta everyday. Although students have a lot of classes, but i can made good relationship with another nationalities usually. if i don’t know about something we usually impart our different ideas with another students. In sparta we cannot go out during weekdays so we only study or do self study. When i saw my friends studying hard in the library my heart always think i don’t want to become a loser and when we want to talk something but we don’t have the same language we only use english even if our english skill is good or not. If i really want to improve my english skills just try my best to communicate to others. So, sparta can really help me in improving my english skills.
In here you cannot only make good friendship but also you will learn how to understand other countries traditional culture ,because usually when we watch television we can only hear and see information but sometimes it’s not all. And during weekends we can spend time to go out to play, shopping, visit some place and etc…..
Sparta life is like your university life but different perception to experience because every countries university life is not the same, so in here every time, every moment you can feel opposite experience compare to your country.