작성자 | KAWABE HIROKI | 등록일 | 2019-05-31 | 조회 | 902 |
New students on their first day
Hello I am Japanese student Hiroki
A topic for today is that how new students spend their first day in CIJ. nowadays , a lot of new students are confused on their first day . so what I am going to talk about will hopefully be handy for new students who are going to study here .
students/Entrance test
This is an ambiance of Entrance test for new students . after new students are picked up at the air port , a schedule of Monday is given to all of them .speaking of sparta campus , Entrance test is held at 9am in dining area . before taking the exam , all of you have to fill out agreement so if you have any question , feel free to ask office staffs nearby you .
Next is about Orientation for new students which is held at
1:30pm in either dining area or seaside . at first new students have the
orientation by
filipino staff with all new students . and you can know about
how to survive in the Philippines and CIJ and so on haha , after the orientation
students are divided by nationality and you can have the orientation in your
mother tongue . so you can ask many question you didn't understand at the
orientation earlier .
Man to
man class
after the orientation , all new students have facility tour with filipino staff so that you can tell where your class rooms , washing area , library and so on . hopefully you won't get lost . haha by the way , the picture above is an ambiance of man to man class you will have from Tuesday . the meaning of man to man is a class which consists of only one teacher and student so if students have question in a class , you can ask freely without caring other classmates . this is the biggest benefit of man to man class.
country mall for exchange for money and shopping
after the facility tour , new students go to the mall nearby the
campus .they will come here for exchange money for pesos and also they have
time for shopping . students exchange money because they have to pay for local
fee here such as ssp , visa extension and so on . during the shopping time ,
there are so many people falling line makes you take ages to finish their
payment but you don't need to be in hurry .
Anyway , my experience story for today is over , thank you for
subscribing .